More than 64k?

The Z80 processor is an old processor, and it's based on an even older one - the Intel 8080. These two processors are 8 bit accumulator based and can access an address space of 65536 bytes (or 64k).

Quite early on it was realised that this simply isn't enough address space to implement a comprehensive operating system and leave sufficient user RAM for their own programs.

The solution to this is quite straightforward, have more ROM/RAM in the system and page it in when required. This trick isn't just used on the Z80 but also for the 6500 series of processors from Motorola.

However, this isn't going to be a lecture on memory models and computer architecture (I'd end up in hot water for what I'd say, and probably will even for that small bit just there!) - it's a description of how the Small C+ compiler can access more than 64k and whats still left to do!

The far pointers used by Small C+ are 24 bits long i.e. 3 bytes, this enables the theoretical access of 16Mb of memory (if your program requires more than this then please tell me what you're trying to do on a Z80!). The far pointer allows for a flat memory model - i.e. they are treated as "normal" 24 bit number by the compiler.

Before I begin I should like to point out the for Small C+ far pointers are stored in the registers ehl where e contains bits 16-23 and hl bits 0-15 of the pointer. If e holds 0 then hl is taken to be an absolute address in the current memory configuration.

For this concept to work, it will be necessary to create an extremely well designed memory allocation system which will have to present in all programs that use far pointers.

Thus initially we need a malloc routine would far the prototype:

far *malloc(long)

Which would take a four byte integer, reserve this much space in the system, and return a pointer which would consist effectively of a memory pool number in e and 0 in hl. If enough space couldn't be reserved it should return with ehl=0.

Internally however it would have to create a memory pool within the Z88 and extend this until the size is that wished by the user. In returning a pointer in ehl it should internally bind whatever e is to the system memory pool (this maybe via a look up table or some other method) so that whenever access to the pool e is requested it can be calculated where exactly offset hl actually is.

I should obviously mention free which will free the memory pool e and deallocate all memory reserved by malloc. In addition to this there should be a cleanup function which will deallocate all the memory in all the memory pools. (This is an internal function and will be used by the startup code to clean up on exit of the program - and hence avoid leakage).

All access to the memory pools at C-level will be via a set of functions to read and write various types, which will now be described with entry parameters and projected exit conditions:

Reading routines, all these have entry ehl = memory pool address

lp_gchar   - read char

Exit:   a=l = byte at that location

This routine should not bother with signedness - the compiler will sort this out

lp_gint    - read 2 byte integer

Exit:   hl = word at that location (stored little endian)


Exit:  ehl = far pointer at that location

lp_glong        - read 4 byte integer

Exit: dehl = long at that location (l=LSB)

lp_gdoub        - read 6 byte double

Exit: Load FA -> FA+5 with the double stored at that location

FA -> FA+5 are 6 bytes presently located in the startup code, but will be relocated to the bad memory for applications. This routine may require some thought - there is a routine in the float package to place bcixde into the FA area.

Writing routines, all these have entry e'h'l' = memory pool address and the following additional entry parameters:

lp_pchar        - write char

Entry:     l = byte to write

lp_pint         - write 2 byte integer

Entry:    hl = word to write

lp_pptr         - write far pointer

Entry:   ehl = far pointer to write

lp_plong        - write 4 byte integer

Entry:  dehl = long to write

lp_pdoub        - write double

Entry:  none

This routine will write the bytes stored in FA -> FA+5 to the memory pool address, once again this may require some thought.

These routines have now been written by Garry Lancaster for the z88 and so this document is just hanging around should someone feel like writing routines for other machines.

Dom 16/4/2000